So far, the revision v2.7 of ICanBoogie/HTTP comes with the following changes: safe and idempotent requests are supported with the is_safe and is_idempotent properties; the request context now implements ArrayAccess; the transform_params() method returns flatten and/or normalized request parameters.

Safe and idempotent requests

Safe methods are HTTP methods that do not modify resources. For instance, using GET or HEAD on a resource URL, should NEVER change the resource.

The is_safe property may be used to check if a request is safe or not.


use ICanBoogie\HTTP\Request;

Request::from([ Request::OPTION_METHOD => Request::METHOD_GET ])->is_safe; // true
Request::from([ Request::OPTION_METHOD => Request::METHOD_POST ])->is_safe; // false
Request::from([ Request::OPTION_METHOD => Request::METHOD_DELETE ])->is_safe; // false

An idempotent HTTP method is a HTTP method that can be called many times without different outcomes. It would not matter if the method is called only once, or ten times over. The result should be the same.

The is_idempotent property may be used to check if a request is idempotent or not.


use ICanBoogie\HTTP\Request;

Request::from([ Request::OPTION_METHOD => Request::METHOD_GET ])->is_idempotent; // true
Request::from([ Request::OPTION_METHOD => Request::METHOD_POST ])->is_idempotent; // false
Request::from([ Request::OPTION_METHOD => Request::METHOD_DELETE ])->is_idempotent; // true

Request context

Because requests may be nested the request context offers a safe place where you can store the state of your application that is relative to a request, for instance a request relative site, page, route, dispatcher… The context may be used as an array, but is also a prototyped instance.

The following example demonstrates how to store a value in a request context:


use ICanBoogie\HTTP\Request;

$request = Request::from($_SERVER);
$request->context['site'] = $app->models['sites']->one;

The following example demonstrates how to use the prototype feature to provide a value when it is requested from the context:


use ICanBoogie\HTTP\Request\Context;
use ICanBoogie\Prototype;

Prototype::from(Context::class)['lazy_get_site'] = function(Context $context) use ($site_model) {

    return $site_model->resolve_from_request($context->request);


$request = Request::from($_SERVER);

$site = $request->context['site'];
# or
$site = $request->context->site;

Transforming request parameters

The transform_params() method returns a flattened and/or normalized parameters array:


$request = Request::from([ Request::OPTION_REQUEST_PARAMS => [

    'a' => [ 'aa' => [ 1 ] ],
    'b' => '',
    'c' => '   ',
    'd' => "123"

] ]);

var_dump($request->transform_params(Request::TRANSFORM_NORMALIZE | Request::TRANSFORM_FLATTEN));
array(4) {
  'a[aa][0]' =>
  'b' =>
  'c' =>
  'd' =>
  string(3) "123"