After three years of relative quietness, I'm about to release v2.0 of my error collector package ICanBoogie/Errors; because after working on my validation package ICanBoogie/Validate, and trying my best to implement it in Brickrouge in the most uncoupled way possible, it was clear to me that the decisions I made regarding error instances were not the best, namely localizing error messages.

A brief history

When I first designed the error collector, errors were defined as strings.


use ICanBoogie\Errors;

$errors = new Errors;
$errors[] = "Generic error";
$errors['name'] = "Parameter `name` is required";

Later I used instances of FormattedMessage, than I18n\FormattedMessage to store localized messages:


use ICanBoogie\Errors;
use ICanBoogie\I18n\FormattedMessage;

$errors = new Errors;
$errors[] = new FormattedMessage("Generic error");
$errors['name'] = new FormattedMessage("Parameter `:param` is required", [ 'param' => 'name' ]);

Then I tried to make it easier by introducing the add() method, creating instances under the hood:


use ICanBoogie\Errors;

$errors = new Errors;
$errors->add(null, "Generic error");
$errors->add('name', "Parameter `:param` is required", [ 'param' => 'name' ]);

Developing ICanBoogie/Validate made me realize this was all a big mistake. I was storing data far too complex, which made manipulating and displaying it not that easy in the end.

Making things simpler

ICanBoogie/Validate's error messages are super simple, and if you echo a collection of errors about required attributes you might be surprised to read something like this:

is required
is required
is required

That's because these errors are ment to be formatted, and, most important, they are meant to be translated.

You see, an error is not a string, it's actually an instance with format and args properties. It looks something like this:

class ICanBoogie\Validate\Message {
    $format => "is required"
    $args => [
        'attribute' => "name"

Your translator would probably translate "is required" as "The attribute '{attribute}' is required", then the message would get formatted as "The attribute 'name' is required".

Formatting arguments can also be modified before the translated string is formatted. For instance, when Brickrouge renders it's errors it modifies the formatting arguments to add the label of the element with a validation error, that is much nicer for the user than its machine name. "is required" would get translated as "The field '{label}' is required", then the message would get formatted as "The field 'Name' is required.

The error instance doesn't know that, and it shouldn't care, because in the end what matters is what displays the error, in which context.


Error instances should be the simplest possible, using very generic and unspecific messages, so that they could be easily consumed and manipulated, because when you create one, you have no idea how it will be displayed to the user, in what language, in what context.

tl;dr: simple error messages + formatting arguments = ♥.