This afternoon, I was reviewing a colleague's PR and commented that his RecipesCollection should be a RecipeCollection because "a collection of records" is "a record collection". Surprisingly, I never questioned similar classes, such as repositories, in our application. For instance, we have a CuisinesRepository, which was fine by me a few days back while I was refactoring it…

I guess it stuck in my head, because tonight, while reading Implementing Domain-Driven Design, I noticed Vaughn Vernon was writing about Product and ProductRepository, not ProductsRepository. Intrigued, I Googled a bit and found a similar example in Doctrine's documentation. I also found this perfect answer on StackExchange:

When we change the plural noun at the end of the prepositional phrase into a modifier before the singular noun, the modifier loses the s that it had as a plural noun.

Now I bid you farewell, I have some refactoring to do…